
Prepare for your exams
Prepare for your exams

Study with the several resources on Docsity

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Earn points to download

Earn points by helping other students or get them with a premium plan

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Guidelines and tips

Selling notes pays off: you could earn over $2000 a month!

Earn a passive income. Reach millions of students at the best website to sell notes online.

Start selling now
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You set the price

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Withdraw your money whenever you want

Upload your documents once. Earn for each download!

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You decide how much you earn

You will earn from every single download you receive, according to the price you set.

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Earn while you sleep

Upload the document and relax. Docsity will do the selling for you 24/7!

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Reach millions of students

You won't have to look for buyers. Millions of users looking for notes are already waiting for you on Docsity!

Sell documents now
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You could earn more than

$2000 / month

The more effort you put into creating documents, the better your chances of making money. To give you an idea: we have sellers who make $100 a month, others who exceed $2000 in monthly revenue! Quality and quantity of documents make a difference.

Start earning

Selling notes online is easy

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Upload your document

Select your best documents and upload them to Docsity. Don't forget: quality pays off.

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Set the price and start earning!

Choose how much to earn per download and start selling! Finally, withdraw your earnings with PayPal.

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Activate your seller profile

To start selling, activate your seller profile. It's just a few steps and it's free!

Start earning

Stories from sellers around the world

Become a seller

At first I shared my documents for free. Since they were receiving so many downloads, I tried selling them. From that moment I started making good money!

Beatriz 🇪🇸

Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

When I find that my notes have been useful for me and my colleagues, I put them up for sale. As they were useful for my study group, they surely will be useful for others!

Marco 🇮🇹

Scienze Politiche, UniMarconi

My classmates were always asking me for my notes. Since I'm good at making summaries and taking notes,I started selling them and now I'm making a profit while helping others!

João fernando
João fernando 🇧🇷

DereEngenharia Civil, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Before an exam I saw a classmate flipping through one the papers I sell on Docsity. I got excited, it's nice to know that I can help other students.

Elizabeth 🇺🇸

Business Administration, Academy College

Selling on Docsity is super easy. I don't have to track my sales when one of my documents is sold, I get an email alerting me. I can make money without a hassle.

Alessandro 🇮🇹

Economia aziendale, Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi

I started by selling a summary prepared for an exam. Seeing that it was selling well, I started uploading more documents. I love turning my notes into income.

Carlotta 🇮🇹

Pedagogia, Università Telematica Pegaso (UNIPEGASO)


Do you have more questions? Contact us now!

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